Property Marketing Kit
Providing This Service At No Additional Cost
With every purchase we provide this service to help with your real estate business. Our property websites and marketing kits offer a comprehensive suite of customizable marketing materials, designed to enhance your listings effectively. Streamline your workflow and elevate the quality of your marketing efforts, all accessible through a single, convenient platform.
What does the Property Marketing Kit include?
Single property Listing Website (includes all media & realtor/agent branding)
Branded & Non-Branded Listing Links for MLS application
Fully Customizable Agent Account
One Click Download Page (download all photos at once or one at different sizes)
Referral Code (you and the person you send the code too can save)
Lead Generated Contact Form
Customized Printable Flyer Template for each listing
Media Embed Ability (video & immersive tours)
QR Codes for easy access to site
Link to Share Marketing Kit with other members of your team
Social Media Tools (posting tiles for photos)
Marketing Kits included with every purchase
Single Property Website
Each real estate marketing kit comes with its very own single property listing site. These sites are totally customizable and carry the realtor/agent's full branding information such as headshot, logos, and contact information. Four design templates available and adding more all the time.
Website Design